Aweld joint efficiency factor of 85 is usually allowed for standard welded pipe andtube, and allowance made for corrosion or wear loss if appropriate. Our stainless steel tube cutting and polishing services can customize your order to job specifications. Calculations here are for seamless tube to specifications such as ASTM A213. We carry and specialize in small and large outside diameter stainless steel tube, varied thicknesses and grades, all in-stock and ready to be custom cut, polished and shipped to you quickly. Stainless Steel Tube is available as welded and seamless with annealed, pickled and bright annealed manufacturing options. ASTM standard specifications include A213 seamless stainless steel tube, A269 welded stainless steel tube, A511 seamless mechanical stainless steel tube and A554 ornamental stainless tube, with annealed and pickled as well as bright annealed manufacturing options.
Our 300 series stainless steel tube, including our 304 and 316 stainless steel tube, has increased strength and corrosion resistance for applications in high-pressure and harsh environments, meeting the requirements for your projects. We stock an extensive inventory of high-quality standard and special grade of seamless stainless steel tube and welded stainless steel tubing.