In CMYK, the primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. Then we come to the CMYK model, used in printing. With RGB, the primary colors are red, green, and blue, and all three combine to form white! In this system, the secondary colors are: yellow (red + green), cyan (a light blue formed by green + blue), and magenta (a pink-purple made by red + blue). Next comes the RGB model, which is an additive model used in light and with digital screens. This model still works fine if you’re mixing inks as I am in these illustrations or cute drawings. The traditional paint and pigment model of color theory has that the primary colors are red, yellow, and blue, so the system is abbreviated as the RYB model. Primary and secondary colors, illustrated. By extension, orange, green, and purple (or violet) are not the only secondary colors! Huh? Let’s elaborate.

In particular, it turns out that the primary colors we all learned about in elementary school for drawing - red, yellow, and blue - are NOT the only system of primary colors. In the process of hand-drawing these illustrations and researching each article, I realized: Despite my years of experience, there’s a TON about color theory that is shockingly unexpected!

#Primary secondary colors plus
Share on Twitter Share on WhatsApp Share on Facebook Share on Email Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterestįor anyone interested in color mixing exploits like me, there’s an essential question to answer: What are secondary colors, and which primary colors make each? The answer is actually surprisingly complex.Īs background, my name is Lillie, and I’m an artist and teacher who delights in experimenting with combining colors - exploring everything from what purple and green make, to the odd mix blue plus orange.